12 Ways to Make This Year Happier Than The Last

Shuaib Ahmed
Published in
7 min readFeb 26, 2021


Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Whether last year was the best year of your life or the worst, it could be better this year.

The default human emotion is happiness. It’s only if things get within the way of happiness that you fail to experience it. How many people really concentrate on making every year a cheerful year? Not many.

You must realize one important thing: your major goal in life should be Living a Happy Life. Money is important, relations are important, but what is the point of life if you spent all of it in depression and sadness?

The year 2020 is regarded as one of the worst years in history because of Covid-19 and the worldwide lockdown. I hope we never experience another year like this.

Making the year 2021 a Happy year is even more important for us to help overcome the trauma and depression caused by 2020.

If you decide to live a happy life this year and onwards, no one can stop you. NO ONE!

If you believe in yourself and make a mindset to live happily, you will get the power to overcome all the annoying things and people; you will be able to avoid all the negativity and replace it with positivity.

Luckily, it doesn’t take tons to have a happy year full of more good memories and fewer annoyances. Make this year better than last with these strategies:

1. Limit clutter

Clutter is stressful and annoying. Being annoyed is stressful, too!

Clutter can be embarrassing, and it makes things harder to find once you need them. Clutter also causes you to feel like your life is out of control. Luckily, with effective routines, clutter is easy to avoid.

Get rid of the items you don’t need. If you make use of something, put it to where it belongs when you’re done. Don’t overconsume anything.

Spend five minutes tidying up the living areas before you go to bed; you will wake up to a better environment for a better day.

2. Address all the items that annoy you.

Fix, address, or get rid of everything that annoys you. Avoid allowing these things, people, and situations to linger in your life.

It could be the way someone behaves with you or a small item in your house.

The most annoying things are found on your phones and laptops. Social media is full of such things, but you can change that. Just unfollow some people.

We all have annoying people around us, maybe in school, work or neighborhood. Distance yourself from such people, don’t let them ruin your day and eventually your whole year.

Photo by Obi Onyeador on Unsplash

3. Limit the amount of your time you spend criticizing, condemning, and complaining.

In the book “How to Make Friends and Influence People,” one of the cardinal rules is “Don’t criticize, condemn, or complain.”

This is a straightforward rule that’s challenging to put into practice, but you’ll be more likable and even like yourself more. You’ll reap benefits from both

If you criticize others, be ready to be criticized by others, and this will eventually lead to bad relations.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

4. Spend wisely

Treat your money with respect. Money that’s spent wisely can do wonderful things for your life. Money spent unwisely may be a wasted resource.

Think of all the items you’ve purchased but later regretted. It might be nice to have that cash now.

Wasting your hard-earned cash is easy for some people, but think about saving some money to invest. It has way more long-term advantages as compared to short-term satisfaction.

Spend some time and think if you really need that thing before purchasing it.

5. Avoid additional debt

This is often another aspect of spending wisely. Debt is stressful. Avoid adding more debt to your life, and you’ll be likely to own a better year.

No matter the amount of debt, it's never a good thing.

This is why you should save some money; you can avoid additional debt and pay the ones you already owe.

The biggest problem with debt is interest rates that cause your debt to increase to surprising levels.

Photo by Ehud Neuhaus on Unsplash

6. Use your brain for thinking, not remembering

It’s silly to use your brain to remember things when you could liberate your mental resources by writing yourself a note and putting your attention on more important matters.

Write things down. Record lists on your phone. Use reminders and timers.

But do remember important stuff such as your passwords as you could need them anytime.

7. Have an idea for every day

Make the most of every day by having an idea in place before you attend bed.

You’ll accomplish more, and what you accomplish is going to be more meaningful.

If you are a content creator, have an idea for your next piece of content.

Ideas keep is creative. Allocate some part of your day to think of new ideas.

Photo by AbsolutVision on Unsplash

8. Eat at least one super healthy meal every day

Even one extremely healthy meal will boost your health and sense of well-being tremendously. It also provides the opportunity later to boost up to two healthy meals per day.

Health is essential for happiness. Only once in a while, we come across some strong people with health issues that are happy.

Besides a healthy meal, you should also start other healthy activities such as yoga.

Photo by Jannis Brandt on Unsplash

9. Make some exciting plans

You’ll have a far better year if you’ve got something positive to concentrate on in the future. It doesn’t matter if it’s a trip, a brand new canoe, or plans to reconnect with a dear friend that you just haven’t seen in a while.

Anything that excites you can be good for you. It will keep you excited until you do it, and once it's done, you will feel happy and decide to do more and more.

10. Cut the worst person in your life out of your life

If possible, remove the foremost negative influence from your life. You may need to find a new boss or have a difficult conversation. Someone in your life probably making your life worse.

We all have that negative person in our life responsible for most of the sadness in our lives. Just remove them from your life.

It might be hard to do, but believe me, you will thank yourself for doing it.

11. Consider the mistakes you made this past year and avoid them this year

Look over the last year and identify your mistakes. Develop a method to make sure that you don’t have a repeat performance.

We all learn from our mistakes, but only when we think them over and find the one thing causing that mistake. Change it.

It could be a mistake you made that affected your marriage, business, or happiness at all.

Take a notebook, write down all the mistakes you can think of, and then write how you can avoid them this year.

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

12. Create a second source of income

Who does not love some extra money?

Few people complain of having an excessive amount of money. The second source of income adds a great deal of potential to your life.

If your salary is the only source of income then you are one step away from poverty. –Warren Buffet.

I love this quote from Warren Buffet because it is true. To avoid this, try building a second source of income.

The first step to having a good year is to line an intention to enjoy a happy year.

There are tons of other methods to help you live happily, do some research if you are serious about living a happy life, and if you find something really helpful, please share it with everyone else in the response section.

Remove the annoyances, eliminate the clutter, and make some plans that put a smile on your face. It doesn’t take a lot to have a far better year than last year. Repeat this process annually, and you’ll be surprised by how happy you’ll be.

I hope you live happily for the rest of your life.

